澳门足彩app has had a longtime working relationship with 大卖场, a major closeout retail outlet. 当他们承包给我们建造一个新的.3M SF warehouse and distribution facility to service the entire West Coast Region, 这个项目标志着我们与这家公司的第四次合作. From the outset, this project presented unique construction challenges. 选定的地点位于加利福尼亚州苹果谷的沙漠中.这里曾是第二次世界大战练习轰炸靶场的一部分.
在施工开始之前, 一群考古学家, 古生物学家, and cultural experts was brought in to sift through approximately 40 acres of land for potentially unexploded ordnance. Once that risk was mitigated, we were able to commence construction.
这个巨大的新设施是采用全高结构建造的, self-performed, 倾斜的混凝土板和钢柱, 托梁, 和大梁. 为了克服额外的与位置相关的挑战, the team chose to utilize roof decking made from oriented strand board (OSB) for its seismic advantages in the dry climate. Our team also designed the building to be reinforced in specific areas for support of the rooftop HVAC equipment.
To maximize clear height inside the building while maintaining a 45-foot max deck height for an Early Suppression, ESFR (Fast Response)消防系统, 该项目采用虹吸式屋顶排水管, 这大大减少了所有的管道尺寸. 我们还安装了一个悬臂式, 全高度, 摇上, three-hour 分隔墙将建筑物的中心一分为二 to provide additional fire protection. Additional offsite upgrades for the project included roadway improvements and new electrical infrastructure for service to the building.
在整个项目中, our design teams sought ways to outfit the new facility with environmentally friendly features, such as an occupancy sensor-controlled LED lighting system that only turned on when someone was in the building. These additional green features helped the project achieve LEED v3.0认证状态.
In total, 澳门足彩app has now constructed over 7M SF of distribution and warehouse space for 大卖场. We’ve enjoyed working as an extension of their team to help expand their business and meet their production objectives.