“We only trust that we belong to the degree we are willing to risk being known.” ——康纳·比顿
起初, belonging might sound like an amorphous word – a word that sounds like a good idea but still feels undefined. To others, belonging might sound intimidating, perhaps reflecting a feeling of vulnerability.
归属感 is a word that has become more common as a result of the pandemic. Those strange gap years gave us our perspective on the extremes of the human experience as we experienced a global shift that at once made us all feel the same and extremely separate and apart at the same time. COVID-19并不是唯一的因素. 社会动荡和政治动荡发挥了作用. 在许多情况下,人们感到孤立和孤独. 人们深挖自己的政治角落和意识形态. At work, levels of engagement plummeted as 业务es were rocked to their core.
But what if we take a broader view of how human beings yearn to be connected? 归属感编织在我们的DNA中. 它是我们生命结构的一部分. 归属感 is not optional but rather a part of the human experience. 在工作场所, belonging is paramount to engagement – yet statistics reveal that 40% of employees feel isolated and disconnected at work. 除此之外, research tells us that companies reap substantial bottom-line benefits if workers feel like they belong. High belonging was linked to a whopping 56% increase in job performance, 离职风险降低50%,病假减少75%.
澳门足彩app的多样性套件探讨了归属的各个方面. 在我们的认识你的abc:盟友, 归属感, 及创造公平课程, 我们探讨了归属的一些原则. 除了成为团队成员的重要组成部分之外, 在工作中受到重视和赏识, the feeling of belonging contributes to the bottom line and improves workplace environments around the globe.
在他颇具影响力的著作《澳门足彩app》中. Vivek没吃, 美国卫生局局长, highlights the crippling effects of loneliness and the toll that it takes on all of us, 个人和公司. He calls out a study revealing that the effects of pervasive loneliness on our physical health and well-being can be likened to smoking 15 cigarettes per day.
At work and in the rest of our lives, belonging often takes some intentionality. 生命中的某些季节为我们提供了与社区的联系, 而其他国家则需要付出更多努力寻求伙伴关系, 合作与友谊. 我知道我的生活就是这样的. 作为一个母亲, 我很容易记得我的孩子很小的时候, 和他们在家里度过的时光既充实又孤独. 澳门足彩app之前, 当时我是兼职教授和独立承包人, I enjoyed the freedom but also craved the connection of closer colleagues. 在澳门足彩app, I strive to balance the independence that comes with working from home while maintaining a connection to my home office in Jacksonville, 佛罗里达. 有一种归属的平衡有待打破.
Author and speaker Brene Brown asserts that belonging begins from within. While we may see it as a link to the outside world or a way to fit in or feel like we’re with the “in crowd,” it is more of an internal practice that helps us navigate the social landscape. 也许相反, belonging to the group begins with belonging to ourselves and feeling rooted in who we are and what we believe. 正如这篇文章的开头所暗示的那样, so much of our sense of belonging comes from the sometimes scary willingness to let people get to know us.
在澳门足彩app, 我们可以在某些特定的, 有形的方式, 例如:
建设共享周, consider practicing your sense of belonging as a radical act of self-care.
作者简介: 泰勒·威廉姆斯,M.Ed., Ed.S., is a Master Corporate Trainer in Learning, Development, and Engagement at 澳门足彩app. 她对个人发展的热情, 心理健康, 沟通, 情商, 创新激发了她的工作. 有心理健康方面的背景, 业务, 设计思考, 和性能, Taylor is passionate about helping people create lives - in and outside of work - that help them feel like the best version of themselves. She has bachelor's and master’s degrees from the University of 佛罗里达, where she played volleyball. 她还有两个上小学的孩子,他们是她最好的朋友!
Fostering a sense of belonging is just one of the ways that 澳门足彩app strives to ensure that every team member enjoys the BEST job of their life. 澳门足彩app了解更多信息.
澳门足彩app每年在架构方面的投入超过20亿美元, 工程, 建设 (AEC) and 咨询 solutions to assure certainty of outcome for complex capital projects worldwide. 澳门足彩app是一个全球性的, 完全集成, 单一来源的设计建造和EPC公司拥有超过2,300高度专业化, 内部设计, construction and administrative professionals across industrial and commercial markets. 在全球拥有20多个办公地点, 澳门足彩app是全球和新兴客户值得信赖的合作伙伴.
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